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SourceGuardian 15 for FreeBSD is available!
Loaders for FreeBSD updated
SourceGuardian Pro
SourceGuardian 15 Loaders are updated for aarch64 and armhf
SourceGuardian 15 is launched
SourceGuardian 14 for FreeBSD is available
SourceGuardian 14 launched with full PHP8.2 support
Loaders updated for Linux armhf and aarch64
SourceGuardian 13 for FreeBSD updated
Loaders for macOS arm64 (M1) added
Bugfix PHP 8.1 SourceGuardian 13.0.3
SourceGuardian 13.0.1
SourceGuardian 13 launched! PHP8.1 support and updated GUI.
Loaders updated for FreeBSD and ARM
Bugfix and GUI update SourceGuardian 12.1
More supported platforms for PHP8!
SourceGuardian 12 launched! Full PHP 8 support
Loaders for Linux ARMv8 (aarch64) updated for SourceGuardian 11.4 and PHP 7.4
SourceGuardian 11.4 launched! Full PHP 7.4 support
Loaders updated for ARMhf (Raspberry Pi etc boards)
macOS 10.15 Catalina support added
SourceGuardian 11.3.4 is available. Critical update for PHP 7.3
Critical update SourceGuardian 11.3.3
SourceGuardian 11.3.2
SourceGuardian 11.3 for FreeBSD is available
Loaders for Raspberry and ARMv8 updated
SourceGuardian 11.3 launched with PHP 7.3 support and many new features
Loaders for ARM updated for PHP 7.2 support
Vietnamese Review of SourceGuardian 11.2
SourceGuardian 11.2 launched with full PHP 7.2 support
Loaders for ARMhf (Raspberry etc) and ARMel updated
SourceGuardian 11.1.5 update released
SourceGuardian 11.1.4 update released
Loaders update for Windows, Linux and OSX
New V11.1 loaders updated for FreeBSD and ARMhf (Raspberry Pi etc boards)
SourceGuardian 11.1 launched! (a minor version number but big updates)
Speed test of different versions of PHP
Update of SourceGuardian - version 11.0.6
Loaders updated for Raspberry Pi (ARMhf) and ARMel
Bugfix version 11.0.1 released
SourceGuardian 11 launched!
Need to encode Symfony 2?
Loaders updated to fix issues with Laravel and traits.
SourceGuardian 10 compatibility fix for old versions of Mac OS X
Loaders updated up to version 10.1.3
SourceGuardian 10 launched
Loaders for PHP 5.5 added for HP-UX IA64 platform
Spotlight on Symfony
Added Security Help from PHP 5.5
PHP Book Review: The Joy of PHP by Alan Forbes
The Cuddlier Side of PHP
Focus on Phalcon
PHP-Based CMS Comparisons
The Hidden Mysteries of PHP
A Look at Laravel
The PHP Zeitgeist Project
PHP Frameworks: 2013 Roundup and Looking Ahead
Facebook Porting PHP VM to ARM Architecture Breached With Potentially Unique Malware
Symfony Gets Boost from SensioLabs Funding
Coping With Legacy PHP Code
Facebook PHP Virtual Machine Released
The Importance of Keeping PHP Up to Date
The History of PHP
Great PHP Books Every Developer Should Own
Great Sites for Learning PHP
Top Tips for PHP Beginners
The Best PHP Development Environments
How to Write Clean PHP Code
Do You Really Need a PHP Framework?
Easily Reuse Your Own PHP Code Snippets
Top PHP-based E-commerce Solutions
Google App Engine Now Supports PHP
Securing Your PHP Application with a Custom Configuration File
PHP Productivity Tools
5 Great PHP Tutorials
Speed Up Your Site With Effective PHP Use
Important Practices for Securing Your PHP Apps
Exploring Continuous Deployment
Project Management Tips for the PHP Developer
The Importance of Protecting Your Code
Benchmarking Your PHP Code Performance
Slow Week of Freelancing? Then Stay Ahead With These Projects
Selecting the Right PHP Framework for Beginners
Windows loaders updated for PHP 5.5
SourceGuardian 9.5 launched with PHP 5.5 support
Loaders updated for Mac OS X
SourceGuardian for IBM PowerLinux
Loaders for HP-UX IA-64
Windows GUI is updated up to version
Windows GUI updated
Loaders updated up to version 9.0.5
SourceGuardian 9.0.3 is released
SourceGuardian 9 Launched with PHP 5.4 Support
New SourceGuardian PHP Encoder Loaders
The Importance of Protecting Your PHP Source Code
Latest SourceGuardian Loaders Now Offer More Freedom to Users of the NOLOH Development Platform

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"We already started using encoded files in few of our websites without any single problem and also we are going to use it in our upcoming CMS ( Thanks a lot !"
Shivaji Mitra,
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