Tupiweb - Case Study

Tupiweb - Case Study

Tupiweb, a company based in Brazil, provides open-source webmail systems, which are used in more than 90 countries by hosting companies and access providers. These include a product called Tupimail.

A complex system that can be highly customized by the...

Tupiweb - Case Study
Tupiweb, a company based in Brazil, provides open-source webmail systems, which are used in more than 90 countries by hosting companies and access providers. These include a product called Tupimail.

A complex system that can be highly customized by the client, Tupimail allows users to access their e-mails anywhere, and it works with many formats and multiple servers simultaneously. It supports limitless mail boxes and modules for antivirus, spam, password changes, and more. It processes a huge number of messages, processing them efficiently with less hardware than any other webmail system.

Tupimail is written in PHP in order to receive specific modules to meet each customer's needs, but the code is extremely vulnerable to tampering and theft. SourceGuardian protects Tupiweb's code, allowing the company to safely continue with widespread distribution of the product. Without SourceGuardian, Tupimail would essentially be lost, as the code would be exposed to customers throughout the world.


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